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What is BatteryShip's Safe and Secure Shopping Guarantee
Security & PrivacyBatteryShip is committed to providing you a trusted environment where your privacy is maintained and your personal information is kept secure. |
Your privacy matters! We do not require a login in order to use or shop our site (except when you wish to access your order history), nor do we require you to identify yourself or provide any personal, confidential, or payment information until you reach the secure checkout process. Then, that information may only be used to complete the payment transaction, ship your order to you, provide you with written confirmation of the transaction and shipment, and contact you if there is a problem that requires your attention. Click Here for our complete privacy policy.
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SECURITY GUARANTEE TERMS: If any unauthorized use of your credit/debit card occurs as a result of your direct transaction with us (excludes paypal transactions), notify your card issuer in accordance with its rules and procedures. If, through no fault of your own, the card provider finds card fraud but does not completely waive your liability, BatteryShip will reimburse you for the remaining liability up to a maximum of US $25.00. This guarantee applies to credit/debit card purchases made using BatteryShip’s secure server (excludes paypal transactions). |
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